We hope you have all had a great start to 2016!

Our new year has started out with a new website—www.charleshstewart.com! Please check it out as soon as you can! We have tried to keep the same information and navigation from the old site for continuity purposes, but there have been some changes. We would like to go over some of the new features here so that you can be aware of the changes before you go through the website. We urge you to navigate around the new site. Your feedback would be appreciated.

First, there is no longer a “Backdrop by Number” page. Instead, if you do have the backdrop number and just need to see a photo of it, you can plug the number into the search bar at the top of the Home page. Simple. You can still search the backdrops by category or by show, but you can also search by other keywords in the search bar also. We are confident you can find what you need by going through the categories. We have broken down the backdrops into 60+ categories. We will also add new shows to our list as they become available. Currently, we provide a list of suggestions for over 100 shows. If you have any suggestions for shows not on our list, feel free to let us know, and we will try to put together a suggestion list of backdrops.

The “About” tab will have a brief history of our company including catalog covers that you may remember from the past! Some interesting stuff! It will also include some customer testimonials. So, if you’d like to give us a good word, you can write it on our Facebook page or send us an email. We’d love to include your thoughts on our company.

Another new feature is our “FAQ” tab. Obviously, it’s a basic function, but one that was not included on our previous website. This should answer any of your basic questions about Charles H Stewart Backdrops. Feel free to email or call with any questions. We’ll be happy to answer them for you.

The “Rental Information” tab will explain our prices, terms and policies. It will explain the ordering process, payment policy, cancellation policy, shipping policy, and your liabilities. Most of this information is also on the second page of the invoice that you will receive when you place an order.

The “Contact” tab contains a form for you to fill out in case you have any questions including availability for your show. We answer all emails and inquiries as quickly as possible. Obviously, this is a function that we currently have, so this is not new. The requests are checked frequently throughout the day, so you will get a speedy response.
On the “Home” page, there are eight category boxes right in the middle of the page. These are our highlighted or most popular backdrops. These will change to include certain shows as well as categories based on the time of year. For example, at some point you will see a Nutcracker option or maybe the “hot” show will be highlighted. It’s a neat feature for quick navigation. Plus, there is a “Browse All” box that will take you to all of the backdrop by category page, which will also include any items we might have for sale.
We have also added a “News” blog, Curtain Call, as you can see. We will update this on a monthly basis at the very least or when anything happens that you should be aware of. Show updates, website updates, photos of new, upcoming designs, photos of our backdrops used in your productions, reminders, and any promotions will be included here.

We are also trying to build an archive of pictures of our backdrops used in your productions. If you have any pictures from past shows, please e-mail them to info@charleshstewart.com with your studio info, and we will get them on display right away either on our Facebook page or website or both. See some of our backdrops “in action” below.

As I just mentioned, we will post pictures on our Facebook page of our backdrops in action or of any new designs. If you haven’t already ‘liked’ our page, please do and feel free to post any photos of our backdrops “In Action” from your show. Go to www.facebook.com/backdrops
Thank you, and we hope to hear from you soon! And remember that it’s never too late to order your backdrops (it’s never too early either!).
Please, enjoy some of our backdrops that have been used in recent holiday performances.