Each production requires the right, unique lighting to help set the tone, mood and overall scenario. Because of this, we have compiled some lighting information to help guide you towards the right lighting production for your show.


Vertical slanted light in front of subject:

This kind of stage lighting helps place focus on the subject’s face, shining on its eyes and mouth. However, it could cause the light to extend further upstage, which can cause the subject’s shadow to also extend onto the backdrop/scenery.  


Lighting in front and below subject:

Lights that are shining upwards from the bottom of the stage can soften the subjects features but, it can also be very unnatural. Using this technique could also cause the shadow to extend and elongate the shadow behind the subject, which can be completely distracting and unflattering for the scenery.


Vertical light directly above subject:

Although this lighting technique completely eliminates the issue of shadows extending onto the scenery, it can inhibit the facial features of the subject.


Horizontal in front of subject:

This technique also help the shadows issue since the shadow is of actual size and directly behind the subject, which will avoid any scenery disruptions. A major issue with this technique, however, is that it can flatten, not only the facial features of the subject but, the entire depth of every stage object.


Vertical behind, slanted towards subject:

Because this lighting is shining behind the subject, facial features will not be visible and the shadow will extend towards the front of the stage instead of upstage towards the scenery. However, this kind of lighting helps bring the production to life by giving the stage more depth.
Playing around with the different types of lighting, and mix and matching, can help you decide on the perfect lighting for every scene in the show. Remember that each lighting technique is crucial to setting the right mood, so each lighting technique can be different depending on the tone of the scenes.