Most musicals chronicle the main characters’ lives and explore themes that mean something to the audience. Pippin is no different in the goal of relating to the audience. 

The main theme of this musical is the exploration of human fulfillment and the endless search for what makes life worthwhile is the major focus of this time-honored musical. 

Let’s explore the story of Pippin and the backdrops that Backdrops By Charles Stewart offers that can make your production come to life. 

pippinThe Story of Pippin 

Pippin chronicles the life of young royalty during the era of the 8th Century Holy Roman Empire. Pippin is the first son and heir to the throne under the fabled Emperor Charlemagne. In Pippin’s struggle to find the meaning of his life, he travels several routes in his quest.

Pippin first asks his father to allow him to be a soldier with him as he sets off for war. However, he quickly realizes that this life brings no meaning to him. Being a war hero is not the solution to his quest. 

He then heads to his grandmother for advice, who plots a devious plan to rid the empire of Charlemagne. Pippin then confronts his father and stabs him after asking about his many civil crimes against the people of his empire. Becoming king in the wake of his father’s death also does not satisfy his quest to find the meaning of life. He returns to his dead father’s body where he begs for his return to the world of the living. 

Eventually, Pippin finds meaning when he meets a woman named Catherine and her young son. He finds meaning in living a simple life that at first seems beneath his station in life. His quest for fulfillment ends when the acting troupe sets up a “Grand Finale” where Pippin backs out of ending his life and remains in love with Catherine and her young son. 

Backdrops for Pippin, the Musical

Backdrops By Charles Stewart has more than 16 backdrop options for your next performance of Pippin. 

This Great Hall backdrop #1971 shows a castle hall with stone walls, royal flags and columns depicting Emperor Charlemagne’s castle. 

This Castle Corridor Backdrop #2217 depicts a stone castle corridor with a large arched window.

This Woods Landscape Backdrop shows a forest with a clearing showing a meadow, rolling hills, and a blue sky

Explore all of our Pippin backdrops on our show suggestions page. Our team and our backdrops can help make your performance a success!