When searching for a backdrop for your production you may come across many different words like “Scrim” “Chameleon” or “Duck” and wonder what they even mean! Chances are these words are being used to describe what type of backdrop it is. With so many to choose from, it can be difficult to choose the right type of backdrop for your production, so we decided to give you a quick rundown to help you decide!
Canvas Backdrops:
These are made up of heavy fabric and is usually painted and used to create scenic realism.
Plain Canvas is loosely woven and maid in a variety of colors to avoid having to dye it.
Duck/Scenery Canvas is great for dying and painting, and is usually used stretched over frames.
Muslin Backdrops:
These are made out of light fabric and can also be painted or dyed easily. They are typically less expensive than canvas but do tend to get more wrinkled, and the flame retardant pieces tend to rot out.
Cotton Muslin is made of sturdy woven cotton material and is much smoother and softer than canvas backdrops.
Scrim Backdrops:
These are made of shark tooth material, believe it or not. This makes them more seamless and easy to change its appearance (from translucent to opaque) by using different lighting techniques. They can also be placed anywhere on the stage.
Leno Filled Scrim is opaque and has great glowing quality. They are also better for traveling productions.
Chameleon Scrim is easy to paint and less expensive.
Cut Drops:
These are usually painted as archways with an opening cut out of it.
Partial Backdrops:
These are purposefully made to not fully cover the stage. It can be used to detail a vertical column, wall, or doorway and even to add a scenic view behind a window.
Cyclorama Backdrops:
In a theatrical stage, these are placed in the back of the stage to create the appearance of sky. These are also great for creating lighting and silhouette effects.
For more information on the different backdrops and which would work better to bring your vision to life, contact us here!