Whether you are putting on a show under the bright lights of Broadway, at a small community theater, or on the stage of a local high school auditorium, all directors and producers want their show be a success. They plan, think ahead, and schedule for every contingency. So how can you make your show a success? Let’s take a closer look at the keys to a successful show.


  • Create a Team – All successful shows have one thing in common – a team mentality. Be sure to lead your actors, prop masters, lighting experts, and all the other people that make the show what it is. Ask for input and listen to what is said. Be respectful of all team members’ talents and skills in their respective areas and realize that one person alone does not put on the show. Hire or appoint people whom you trust to all the important positions that will help make your show a smash hit from stage managers to choreographers, to music directors and so on.
  • Set Expectations – Set high expectations for your entire team about attitude, promptness, and respect for you and others in the show. Too many big egos can hurt even the greatest of plot lines.
  • Plan for Disaster – Success doesn’t mean that a show did not encounter troubles along the way, but rather that the team was able to overcome any issues that came its way, whether it was technical difficulties, sick actors, building issues, or any number of things that can throw a monkey wrench into production on show night. Plan accordingly and have a back up ready for every conceivable problem.
  • Learn – Technical aspects of every show can be confusing so get to know the people who control the technology that runs your show from lights to sound to moving props. Knowing how to use all the professional equipment will help stage managers make adjustments quickly if an emergency arises and will also help to manage crew members more effectively.
  • Don’t Ignore the LIttle Things – The adage that “the devil is in the details” is very true when it comes to show business. Take notes during rehearsals and be sure to incorporate the little details that bring the show together to form a masterpiece.
  • Have Fun – Some of the best shows are the ones where you can tell that the performance is a labor of love for all those involved.


Call Backdrops by Charles H. Stewart at (978) 682-5757 or visit our website at  www.charleshstewart.com for more guidance and stage backdrops that will make your show a successful show!